this is an update.
I'm seriously out of ideas with regards to how i should blog.
I mean i look and my blog and i tell myself i wouldn't spend 30seconds in this place if i weren't me. There's nothing interesting, not much to look forward to. There's just a random combination of unimpressive words that don't make much sense.
Other than the fact that i got badly sunburnt + hideous tan-marks, i guess life's pretty as it is. Maybe in the first place, Im not an interesting person?
Okay, not true. My life is so interesting i wished i had an i-Ming to record down every single second of my life. But i just don't want this to turn into another diary. And also, with the increasingly hectic schedule, it is becoming harder to commit to a consistent posting. Its like there are so many more important things to do, like gaining a new level on viwawa.
Okay, again, not true. life is about more than viwawa. Its about experiencing first hand the tangible presence of God. Svc today was just amazing. His presence was irresistable. Well at least i felt that this was important enough to deserve a mention here, that i may look back sometime in the future and remember this awesome day.
Ok this has been a completely uncoordinated and random post. time toviwawa prepare for school tmr!
self note: level camp pictures next post.
I mean i look and my blog and i tell myself i wouldn't spend 30seconds in this place if i weren't me. There's nothing interesting, not much to look forward to. There's just a random combination of unimpressive words that don't make much sense.
Other than the fact that i got badly sunburnt + hideous tan-marks, i guess life's pretty as it is. Maybe in the first place, Im not an interesting person?
Okay, not true. My life is so interesting i wished i had an i-Ming to record down every single second of my life. But i just don't want this to turn into another diary. And also, with the increasingly hectic schedule, it is becoming harder to commit to a consistent posting. Its like there are so many more important things to do, like gaining a new level on viwawa.
Okay, again, not true. life is about more than viwawa. Its about experiencing first hand the tangible presence of God. Svc today was just amazing. His presence was irresistable. Well at least i felt that this was important enough to deserve a mention here, that i may look back sometime in the future and remember this awesome day.
Ok this has been a completely uncoordinated and random post. time to
self note: level camp pictures next post.